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AI Images Show How Lack of Sleep Affects Our Skin
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AI Images Show How Lack of Sleep Affects Our Skin
AI Images Show How Lack of Sleep Affects Our Skin

Doctors will tell us that getting a good night's sleep is important for our health.

But if we needed a reminder, a sleep technology company has used artificial intelligence (AI) to show us how our faces can look if we don't get the sleep we need.

Simba, a company that makes beds and other sleep products, asked 2,000 people in the UK about how much sleep they get.

They also asked people about the way their faces look when they don't get enough sleep.

People of different ages reported seeing slightly different changes to their appearance when they were tired.

Simba took this information and asked AI to create "sleep deprivation avatars." The AI made an image of a person's face when they had gotten enough sleep, and another image of that person when they had not gotten enough sleep.

It did this for men and women of different age groups.

More than half of Britons said they get less than seven hours of sleep per night, and this was more common among women and people aged over 55.

Women often said they noticed wrinkles on their faces as well as fine lines and sagging skin, while men reported seeing bags under their eyes and dry skin when they didn't get enough sleep.

However, dry skin seemed to be more common among tired younger adults.

It should be noted that this was not a scientific study, and of course all of our faces are different and may change in a number of different ways. These changes may be caused by a lot of different things, and sleep is just one of those things.


🫧Grow on somebody

if something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more.

▪️I hated his music at first, but it grows on you.

🫧Wade through something

to read or deal with a lot of boring papers or written work.

▪️Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports.

🫧Blow in

~ ( informal) to arrive in a place, especially suddenly.

▪️Jim blew in about an hour ago.
▪️Guess who’s just blown into town?

2) if a storm or bad weather blows in, it arrives and begins to affect a particular area.

▪️ The first snowstorm blew in from the north.

🫧Stem from something [ [not in progressive]]

to develop as a result of something else.

▪️His headaches stemmed from vision problems

🫧Eke something out

~Eke out a living/existence = to manage to live with very little money or food.

▪️They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.

2) to make a small supply of something such as food or money last longer by carefully using small amounts of it.

▪️ How did she manage to eke out the food?
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The phrasal verb "wade through" means to read or deal with a lot of boring papers or written work and it also means :
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B) To swim in deep water
A) To walk through water or mud
C) To jump over obstacles
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🫧Sitting duck / Sitting target.
noun [C]

someone who is easy to attack or easy to cheat.

🔸Out in the open, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy fire.
In the ancient lands of grace and lore,
Our hearts are shattered, wounded to the core.
Where painful sights haunt us more and more,
Conflict and animosity, breeding thuggery and a reality sore.
Bloodshed, despair, and violence galore.
Calamities, cruelty, divisions that we deplore.
From Sana'a to Gaza, from al-Khurtum to Tripoli,
From Damascus to Baghdad's door,
Scenes of terror and war that we abhor.
Forlorn wails that we cannot ignore.
Enough is enough, we cannot endure.

It's time to unite, collaborate and restore,
The perfect, glorious days of yore.
Fight in each mountain, each plain and every shore.

Let us acknowledge our true foe and embrace unity,
To usher in an era of peace and prosperity.
Conquer the desperate plight of war's calamity,
Bask in a new dawn of hope and positivity ,
And hoist the banners of triumph and liberty .

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2024/06/21 10:47:38
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